平日的礼拜活动由我们的牧师主持, an Episcopal priest, 和属灵生活的省长, 谁代表我们不同的宗教传统. 教堂努力做到有吸引力, inclusive, 也是一个安全的地方,可以加强社区的基础.
一个典型的工作日礼拜以祈祷开始, 然后是一段简短的阅读,可以反映演讲者的宗教传统,也可以反映他最喜欢的小说. 接下来,一个学生,教师,校友/我们,或客人提供教堂演讲. Whether funny, insightful, challenging, or touching, 这些会谈提供了一扇窗口,让人们了解日常生活有时会模糊的更深层次的存在. 平日的礼拜以集体歌唱结束, often a hymn, 有时还会有学生演奏的小曲.
Students are required to attend a weekend service each week; they choose among the services offered that best fit their own tradition or ethos. 许多来自不同基督教教派的学生参加圣公会传统的星期日礼拜. John’s Chapel. Jewish students often choose to observe a Friday evening Sabbath service; Muslim students gather in prayer and study; Hindu students gather for puja and study; Buddhist students (and many who consider themselves spiritual but not religious) find quiet time for meditation during a weekly sangha; and many Roman Catholic students attend Mass at the local parish.